Moser Energy Systems’ power solutions are helping to gain a competitive advantage for many industries and applications. By using our generators partnered with our Moser HybridGen technology, Moser’s customers are able to achieve sustained, or highly responsive, peaking power that allows them to work more efficiently while also reducing noise and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional generation options. For those reasons and more, Civitas Resources utilized Moser Energy Systems to help power a project at their Enright facility in Weld County, Colorado.
Moser Energy Systems’ HybridGen allowed an 11L generator to replace two 22L generators, saving space and providing more efficient power for a low-pressure vapor recovery unit on an oil pipeline.
“The unit catches vapors that accumulate in the oil tank,” said Dwight Ross, Senior Electrical Foreman with Civitas Resources. “These vapors come off of the oil itself because the natural gas just eventually settles out. So instead of somebody opening a thief hatch on top of the tank and letting the vapors escape into the atmosphere, we would capture them and put them back into the pipeline.”
Located about 2,000 feet from the city limits, this facility was unable to run on utility, or “line” power for operations, so it relied on the natural gas power of Moser’s HybridGen 11L generator.
It wasn’t just the efficiency of the Moser HybridGen that made it a perfect fit for Civitas; it also potentially saved project permitting time because the Moser HybridGen reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50%.
Weld County, according to Shannon Van Dok an EHSR Contractor for Civitas, is one of the strictest counties in Colorado when it comes to gas emissions, so it was imperative that the company utilized green technology.
In order to operate natural gas generators or any type of generator, operators must submit an application to obtain a permit that ensures users are able to meet certain emission limits set by the state of Colorado.
“Oftentimes, you submit a permit to the state, and then it takes anywhere from six months to a year to get through the approval process,” Van Dok stated. “Then, you meet with an engineer and go over all of the calculations and assumptions, and then they give you final approval to operate. That’s not always the case, though, and this one was fairly easy to apply for. We submitted the application, and we were approved to operate the same day.”
One of the big reasons for that is because of the low emissions of the Moser HybridGen.
In the state of Colorado, when it comes to gas emissions, air regulators focus primarily on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Nitrous Oxide, and Carbon Monoxide.
“The emission factors of a typical natural gas-powered unit, operating at 300 horsepower, are generally pretty high,” Van Dok said. “And often you have to use multiple catalysts on a unit in order to get it down to the state emission factor that is required when you file a general permit. But what I noticed was that the emission limits on the HybridGen unit didn’t require those excessive catalysts. It was hardly emitting anything. So, comparing the HybridGen to another, larger unit, there was a lot less control requirements because the unit was so efficient, right off the bat.”
Moser HybridGen technology also allows for a quieter environment because it requires fewer generators and was able to operate in “silent run” mode.
“Our main goal with this project was to reduce the noise in the area and to be able to bring in a smaller generator,” Ross stated. “This unit did that, and it absolutely performed up to our expectations. Our company was very happy with the initial run, and we’re looking forward to putting the HybridGen on more sites when we need it.”

In addition to the actual units that did the work, both Ross and Van Dok said it was Moser Energy Systems’ customer service that impressed them the most.
“Moser Energy Systems’ customer service was great,” Van Dok said. “I had a really close relationship with Jay, and we worked really well together. He and his whole team were always responsive, whether they were in the office or in the field. They were able to provide what I needed. From the beginning, everything was laid out for us, and then, after the unit was deployed, it was essentially hands-off. We’ve used plenty of Moser’s generators in the past, so it was already set up to be an easy relationship with open communication. But it was a great relationship, and that team is one of my favorites to work with.”
Moser Energy Systems prides itself not only on its equipment but on the relationships it develops with clients and partners. The Moser HybridGen technology allows smaller generators to provide efficient, effective natural gas energy with better load response and improved voltage stability. It produces less noise and fewer emissions, and it is a valuable unit that can bridge carbon-based energy sources with clean energy sources in various types of situations, from remote operational energy to critical power installations, microgrids, utility demand response applications, and more. With Moser Energy Systems, our technology, and our customer service make us the ideal partner to provide power solutions to any project you may have.